WDV 205 - Advanced CSS

Assignment 1-1 Define CSS Terms

1. Specificity

Specificity indicates selectors have different values to the browser, which dictate their importance and in what order the browser will render any CSS rules.

2. Precedence

Precedence dictates that in cases of similar specificity, the browser will render the rule that is closer in proximity to the element.

3. Inheritance

Inheritance dictates that rules be passed down from parent elements and applied to their child elements as long as the child element didn't specify a different rule.

4. Property

A property is a certain aspect of an element. It can also be described as a characteristic, and these dictate how one piece of an element can be displayed.

5. Value

CSS rules come in property-value pairs. As defined above, the property defines what aspect the CSS is targeting, so the value acts as the action that is being done to the element.

6. Selector

A selector tells the browser which elements to target with CSS rules. It is the first thing written when defining a CSS rule.