WDV221 Intro JavaScript

Skill Test - Score Counter

Team Record:


  1. Use the teamNames array to populate the drop down field.
  2. Create parallel arrays to accumulate team total goals and records.
  3. The "Update Team" button should:
    1. Validate that a team was selected. If not, display an error message to the form. Stop the process.
    2. Validate that the Team Record was selected. If not, display an error message to the form. Stop the process.
    3. Validate that the Team Goals input is a whole number. If not, use the integer without any decimal values.
    4. Update the records for the selected team.
    5. Update the team total goals with the input goals for the selected team.
    and record for the selected team.
  4. The "Display Teams" button should display all the team arrays in the console.
  5. Update the Copyright statement to always show a current year for YEAR.